1. “To Protect the Welfare of Sri Lankan Migrant Workers, Hold Recruitment Agencies Accountable,” Daily Mirror, 2024.

2. “How can online job portals help firms find workers? Evidence from India” with Niharika Singh and Gabriel Tourek, VoxDev, 2023.

3. “To Address the Gulf’s Migrant Abuse Problem, Hold Intermediaries Accountable,” Medium, 2023.

4. Interview with VoxDevTalks about research (joint with Niharika Singh) on migration intermediaries in the Gulf Region, 2022.

5. “Mobile Phone-Based Extension, Peer Interactions, and Farmer Information Exchange: Evidence from Gujarat” with Renee Yaseen (ND), VoxDev, 2022.

6. “Digital Agricultural Extension: Stimulating or Supplanting Farmer’s Interactions?” with Renee Yaseen (ND), Ideas for India, 2022.

7. My research on mobile phone-based agricultural extension led to the creation of a tech start-up (Precision Development) that now scales similar interventions across 10 countries and 7 million farmers. More about how these research findings shaped Precision Development here.

8. “Assessing the Importance of Financial Literacy” with Shawn Cole, ADB Finance for the Poor, 2008